What they don’t tell you about leadership

Eden Whitcomb
6 min readMar 7, 2024
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Are you captivated by the idea of leading others? Do you see yourself as a capable leader, able to unite a team and tackle even the most daunting challenges? Before you commit to this journey, it’s important to consider some aspects of leadership that are often left unspoken. These are the hidden challenges that only become evident once you’re in a leadership role.

Over the years I have spoken to hundreds of leaders, heck I have been one myself for several years. The aim for this article is not to discourage you from this path, but rather to offer a transparent view of the leadership journey. To give you a well-rounded understanding and to do this we are bringing insights from Jan Martin Schmidt, Director of HR. With his support, we hope to equip you with the knowledge and preparation needed for embarking on your leadership path.

Glorification of Leadership > Collaboration

Regardless of your intentions, the reality is that the workplace environment you’re entering is inherently political. This remains true even if you choose not to actively engage in it. Understanding the dynamics, as Jan emphasises, is crucial. Before you step into a leadership role, it’s essential to introspect and confirm that this is genuinely the path you want to pursue, remember that making such a move shouldn’t be about money or titles.

In different organisations, the extent of politics varies. In some cases, it might just be a minor factor in securing additional budget. In others, it could significantly influence your role, especially when lobbying for projects. This political landscape can sometimes lead leaders to prioritise personal or team achievements over the broader organisational goals. It might be surprising, but it’s true for many workplaces.

Jan points out a critical aspect: the lack of openness about these ‘rules of the game.’ While he was fortunate to have a mentor to guide him, he acknowledges that not everyone has such an opportunity.

  • Leadership can be a solitary journey, but it doesn’t have to be. Remember, both inside and outside your organisation, there are people willing to offer support. If trust is an issue within your organisation, don’t hesitate to look for guidance externally.
  • Always seek diverse viewpoints before making decisions. This approach helps you remain level-headed and avoid impulsive choices based on fleeting emotions, whether positive or negative.
  • Winning every argument isn’t necessary. State your opinions clearly and use factual information to guide decision-making.
  • Broaden your horizon beyond your immediate team. Understanding different areas of the business can be invaluable for future projects and overall perspective.
  • If you’re considering a mentor, take the initiative to ask. Often, the barrier isn’t a lack of potential mentors but a hesitation to reach out.

Refer to the template provided at the end of this article for guidance on how to approach potential mentors on LinkedIn or via email.

Accept that making mistakes is a part of the journey. What’s important is to acknowledge them, learn from them, and strive not to repeat them.

We hold a strong conviction that decisions should consistently aim for the business’s improvement. However, it’s important to understand that not everyone shares this perspective. In such situations, strive to be a leader who, upon reflection, can take pride in having made choices that advanced the entire company rather than just individual egos.

Responsibility Burdens

Transitioning from a team contributor to a leader often brings an unvarnished reality for many. Your adaptation to this new role is unique, yet it’s essential to accept that, regardless of future outcomes for you, your team, and the organisation, occupying a leadership position demands making challenging decisions.

Jan noted the seldom-discussed increase in responsibility, particularly in decision-making. The journey to leadership is frequently perceived as a straightforward path to success, yet it involves navigating difficult situations like terminating employees, managing conflicts, and potentially losing friendships within your team.

These challenges can significantly affect your well-being. To better prepare for these responsibilities, it’s advisable to participate in any leadership training your company offers before stepping into the role. If such training isn’t available, consider seeking external courses to equip yourself for the expectations ahead.

Unseen Sacrifices

Delving deeper into some of the aspects mentioned earlier, Jan highlighted that leadership often involves numerous hidden sacrifices, many of which are not commonly discussed or acknowledged.

If your motivation for pursuing a leadership role is to lighten your workload, it’s time to rethink. The truth is that with leadership comes with a barrage of additional tasks — more projects, administrative duties, paperwork, and responsibilities that only increase as you climb higher in the hierarchy.

In a leadership position, you might find that fewer people within and outside your organisation view you favourably. There may be whispers and criticisms behind your back, challenging decisions you make, and at times, attempts to undermine your authority. This can lead to a sense of isolation, feeling like there’s a target on your back.

Your autonomy in certain areas of your role may also be reduced, possibly limiting your ability to achieve what you initially envisioned as a leader.

Moreover, a significant part of your role will involve navigating the complexities of managing people. This includes overseeing vacation approvals, monitoring sick leaves, conducting performance reviews, implementing training programs, and more.

Leadership also often requires you to compromise on your authentic self. Even on bad days, you’re expected to treat everyone fairly and maintain a professional façade, which can be taxing.

As a leader, one of your critical roles is to protect your team from excessive pressures, filtering and absorbing what’s necessary. This responsibility can greatly impact your well-being, stress levels, and overall happiness.

A Message to a Younger You

Looking back, we often gain valuable insights that were not apparent in the moment. To conclude this article, we sought Jan’s perspective on what wisdom he would impart to his younger self before embarking on a leadership journey, wisdom that only comes with hindsight.

“Understanding the Illusion of Freedom

One might envision a wide range of areas to impact as a leader. However, the reality often presents a different scenario. It’s important to recognise that developing and exerting influence is a gradual process. Keeping this in mind helps to avoid misconceptions about the immediate scope of leadership.

I want to reiterate that the purpose of this article is not to cast a shadow over the journey to leadership. If Jan or I believed that this path was not worthwhile, neither of us would be in leadership roles today. Our aim is to provide a candid, realistic perspective that can serve as food for thought. We hope this honest insight motivates you to embrace the challenges of leadership with renewed vigour, or helps you identify areas for further exploration to ensure a seamless transition for both you and your team.

Regardless of your key takeaways, we extend our gratitude to Jan for his willingness to share his unfiltered insights and experiences. His openness, especially considering he was the only leader I approached who was ready to discuss this topic openly, is deeply appreciated.

Please share within your networks so we can collectively bring simplicity to the chaos of recruitment.

Hello [Name]

Your experience as a leader for the past [X years] really impressed me [Name]. As I stand at the threshold of a similar path, I am eager to gain insights into the nuances of such a role and its progression within our industry.

Understanding the demands on your time, I was wondering if you might be willing to spare 15 minutes for a brief conversation. I’m keen to learn from your experience in transitioning into a leadership role, the strategies that contributed to your success, and any potential challenges or considerations I should be aware of as I embark on this path.

Your guidance would be invaluable, and I sincerely appreciate the opportunity to connect. Thank you for considering, and I hope to hear from you soon.

[Your Name]



Eden Whitcomb

Bringing simplicity to the chaos of recruitment, one educational post at a time.